Prof. Gunapala Nanayakkara

Current Employment
Advisor to Hon. Minister of Education, Sri Lanka
Formerly, Founding Director and Senior Professor of Management Studies, Postgraduate
Institute of Management, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka
University education
BPA Spcl. (Vidyo.) 1970, MPA (York) 1976, PhD (Carleton) 1980
D.Lit (Sab) 2005
Service to Higher Education in Management
Pioneered advanced management education in Sri Lanka by setting up the first MBA degree program in the country in 1980; Established the Postgraduate Institute of Management in 1986 which has now become the Nation’s School of Business which caters to over 450 masters degree students; and continued to be the Director of PIM until 2007. Enabled PIM to be a fully self-financed institution since 1997. Established the PIM International Center in the Emirates (2007) and served as Managing Director of the Center from 2007-2009.
Enabled PIM to produce over 3,000 MBAs and 340 postgraduate diploma graduates; Served as Vice-Chairman, University Grants Commission, 2006-2008; and founded Graduate School of Management 2011.
Current Work
Spearheading education reforms, especially in general education, in order to introduce administrative and curriculum reforms in 2024; Further, providing leadership to setting up a new university, Sri Lanka University of Education by incorporating the existing 19 National
Colleges of Education.
Current Teaching/Training Activity
Training of School Principals, and personnel of the Sri Lanka Teacher Educationist Service, and Sri Lanka Education Administration Service. Key Areas: Leadership, Education Management, Research Methods, and Aptitude Testing
Teaching Experience
Taught at undergraduate, graduate, executive, and doctoral programs in Sri Lanka since 1980 and experienced in professional management training activity. Overseas experience include teaching at the Institute of International Development and Cooperation, University of Ottawa (Sept.-Dec. 1982); the Whittemore School of Business, University of New Hampshire, (Fulbright Senior Fellowship 1988/89) and Associate Professor of HR Management, Faculty of Administration, University of New Brunswick, Canada from May
1999 to June 2001. Trained thousands of managers and officials in both private and public
sector organizations.
Previous Employment
Instructor in Commerce, Ceylon Technical College (1972-73); Asst. Lecturer, University of Sri Jayewardenepura (1973-1979); Lecturer (1980), Senior Lecturer (1986), Professor (1996), Senior Professor (2002), University of Sri Jayewardenepura; Chairman, Sri Lanka
Institute of Cooperative Management, Ministry of Food and Cooperatives (1983-1988); and CEO of Sussex College Network under the Merchant Bank of Sri Lanka from September 2009 to February 2010; Director General, National Institute of Education, Ministry of
Education from April 2014 to March 2016, Senior Consultant on HRD, Ministry of Education May 2016 – July 2018.
Has published eleven books including Handbook for Academic and Professional Writing in Management 2008; Culture and Management in Sri Lanka (1988.pp.107), Sri Lankan Cases in Management (1994, pp.226), Business Communication for Sri Lankan Managers (1996, pp 160) and Organizational Dependency Syndrome (1999, pp 262), Economic Analysis for Business in Sri Lanka (2004, pp.434), Managing in Sri Lanka ( 202,pp.403 ) and over 60 journal articles and conference papers. Currently, the Editor of Magazine, Sri Lankan Professional Leader.
Member of National Salaries and Cadre Commission 2006 to date; Chairman, NSCC SubCommittee on Management and Administrative Reforms in Public Service, 2006 to date; Member of National Science and Technology Commission, Member of the Administrative Reforms Council of Sri Lanka 2006-2012; Served as Governing Council member in a number of public organizations including National Institute of Education, Sri Lanka Foundation (1991-1995), National Institute of Technology Education, and National Institute of Business Management; and Vice President of Association of Management Development Institutions in South Asia (AMDISA) (2002-2004).
Sri Lanka Sikhamani Presidential Award (Tertiary Education), 2005;
Asian Grid Leadership Award for Excellence in Management Education 2005;
Hon. Fellow, Institute of Bankers, Sri Lanka 2004 to date;
Hon. Doctorate (D. Lit) 2005 from Sabaragamuwa University;
US Fulbright Senior Fellow, 1988/89; and Canadian Commonwealth Scholar, 1974-1979.