Prof. Anil Kumar Gupta

Prof. Anil Kumar Gupta is an illustrious figure in DRR internationally with exemplary contributions to disaster preparedness and resilience through policy-planning at national, sectoral and international agendas. His vision and striving for human resource capacities and institutional development of training including DMI, NIDM and ICARS, and guidance & support to states/UTs in disaster management, chemical-industrial safety, health emergency preparedness and climate actions is widely known. He pioneered Environment-DRR convergence, DM Plans of Ministries, NAP on Chemical Disasters, Off-site EPP Manual, City DRR Scorecard, DIA and Mitigation Analysis in advancing DRR. He was a driving force in promoting industrial, chemical and health related disasters and emergency management in India. He also drives a global move “Accelerating Transformation (AccTra)” of pole-vaulting improvements along India’s national vision on DRR leadership and cooperation. Presently he is leading an international initiative on holistic all-hazard Safety Culture Drive, which includes chemical safety, road safety, hydrogen safety and systematic approach to improving policy-planning and capacities in safety risk assessment, emergency preparedness and business continuity integration. He served DMI Bhopal, NMDC Hyderabad, CSIR-NEERI, CSIR-Pool, besides leading NIDM’s Policy and Chemical-Environmental Risk Management Programmes around two decades since its inception. Now he is leading the GOI’s Joint Centre with IIT Roorkee at Gr. Noida campus on Safety and DRR “ICARS” and leads policy research and capacity action portfolio as CEO and Principal Investigator. He is also global Chief Editor of Springer Nature prestigious Book Series on “Disaster Resilience and Sustainability”.
Dr. Anil Kumar Gupta is illustrious figure in disaster risk reduction, policy-planning and capacity strategist, a global DRR leader. His widely known contributions include national, sectoral and local level planning and execution of disaster management and emergency preparedness, with human resource planning, curriculum and training toolkits, prototypes, integrated risk-resilience models, institutional development and international & national cooperation in DRR. Born and brought up in a backword, disaster and climate affected region adjoining Vindhyas and Bundelkhand India, he rose with mission and passion of transformational improvements in dealing with disasters and emergencies. His vision and efforts were instrumental in shaping India’s first COEs in disaster management, i.e. DMI Bhopal and the National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM – Delhi and Vijaywada campuses), besides specialized CoEs in areas of Climate Resilience, Disaster & Health. He steered strategic programmes ‘HighCAP”, “Her-CAP”, “CAP-RES” for resilient infrastructure, DRR and health. His approach focused on innovations & breakthroughs, inclusion and Sewa, empowering local community and governments in DRR through policy and capacity advances. Prof. Anil Gupta now leads a unique establishment of GOI-DST with IIT Roorkee’s Gr. Noida campus, i.e. ICARS (Integrated Centre for Adaptation, Disaster Risk-Resilience and Sustainability) towards well quoted CAPP-RES strategy, following his over 30 years outstanding endeavours including 18 years leadership role at India’s National Institute of Disaster Management since its inception (under Ministry of Home Affairs; Head of Policy-Planning & Training, head of Environment & Climate DRR, COE on Disaster & Health, Director of Projects, Head – International Cooperation, Advisory Services, Nodal Officer for Central Ministries). He worked tirelessly in diverse environments of corporate/industry, research, academia, Governments – central & state, and international cooperation, since 1994, including over 20 years in strategic lead roles promoting safety, emergency response, DRR and sustainable recovery. Dr. Anil Gupta contributed to training-development and executed high impact strategies, developed 50 modules, organized over 500 trainings covering 7000 participants from India & outside, besides CAN-TNA, training strategy and TOTs for several states/UTs in areas of disaster management, resilience, recovery, chemical-industrial safety and health. Prof. Anil’s dedication, leadership, guidance abilities and motivation is talked widely, and inspired a large number of professionals, officials and scholars. He is chief Editor of Springer Book Series on Disaster Resilience. He represented in Governing Board of Institutes, as UGC nominee, in Research Advisory Boards, Editorial Boards, expert member of IUCN-CEM, WMO Climate Statement, MoHUA Smart City Climate Risk Assessment Framework, MoHFW Committee on Hospital Safety and Resilience, GBPIHE Scientific Advisory Committee, JNU Special committee on Disaster Studies, Sikkim Govt. Commission of Glacial Hazards, Coordinator on behalf of MoEFCC for National Adaptation Plan (DRR & RI), etc. He is a known science-policy practice interface promoter, a great consortium player, team leader, Hindi poet, speaker, motivational, spiritual and thought leader. He received MP Young Scientist Award 1996, Excellence Award 2012 Society of Occupational & Environmental Health, and UN-PEDRR Outstanding Contribution Award 2024. His qualifications include M.Sc. MPhil, PhD, Management Diploma, Law degree and courses on training management, DSS, Risk Sensitive Land-use planning, Remote sensing, ISO, Mine-environment.