2 days / 15 talks
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January 25-27


February 13, 2025

Zen is presently employed as a police officer and has been in this career for the past 33 years. After two years being in the job, Zen pursued her career as a specialist detective dealing with counter-violent extremism, sexual assault, violent crimes, family and domestic violence, juvenile crime, money laundering, foreign offences, and cases involving police officers. Zen discovered that the support she provided to crime victims and even perpetrators was limited by guidelines and policy. Zen made the decision to volunteer her time at her local Member of Parliament (MP) branch, where she meticulously recorded citizens’ concerns and grievances, enabling her MP to assist or address more complex issues during the parliament session. Zen saw several positive policy and legislative improvements.  Presently Zen is studying part-time doing Major in Politics and Major in Sociology. Zen believes she has a lot to offer based on her extensive experience working with and for the community, and she wants to see positive changes. If the opportunity arises, Zen is prepared to run for office and hope to establish herself as a contender. Zen’s goal is to use all her local and international experiences gained throughout her policing career and volunteering as a stepping stone to transition from being a police officer to a politician.  Zen had faced many challenges just because of her Islamic appearance, hiwever that did not deter her from moving forward. Zen’s professional approach and her love of educating others rather than reprimanding them had drawn others to spread love rather than hate.  Zen would use her GBS experience to expand her global connection with one OZ phrase, “We are one, but we are many.”


February 13, 2025

Anish is a Partner with Deloitte South Asia (SA) and leads the New Energy and Energy Transition advisory focus of the firm. He has an experience of close to two-decades in advising clients in the energy, resources, and industrial sector. Anish also spearheads the efforts on energy modeling within sustainability and climate offering, providing specialized advisory to Clients on net zero emissions modelling. Anish is also the Asia Pacific lead for the Deloitte Sustainability and Climate (S&C) Centre of Excellence (CoE), providing specialized ESG services to its clients in the region.


February 12, 2025


    • B.E. (Hons) Electrical & Electronics Engineering from BITS, Pilani
    • M.B.A. (Marketing/Finance) from JNV University, Jodhpur
    • Hubert Humphrey Fellow from University of Washington, USA
    • Pursuing PhD from llT Madras on lnterplay of Technology and Policy in Solar Energy

An IAS officer of 1994 batch, Sudeep has held numerous challenging assignments with the Government of Tamil Nadu including Sub Collector/Collector of various districts,  City Commissioner, Monoging Director: Electronics Corporation of Tamil Nadu, Monaging Director: Tamil Nadu lndustrial Explosives, Member Secretary: Sports Development  Authority of Tamil Nadu, Specral Officer: Entrepreneurship Development lnstitute, Choirmon & Managing Director: Tamil Nadu Energy Development Agency, Sr Deputy Election  Commissioner, Election Commission of lndia, etc. He is currently working as AdditionalSecretary, MNRE.


  • As SeniorDeputy Election Commissioner at Election Commission of lndia since June 2015 to Dec 2021- he was incharge of Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) during when he oversaw ramping up of production capacities at ECIL and BEL to manufacture 40 lakh machines in one year which was larger than cumulative production of EVMs in last 25 years since introduction of EVMs. He was also incharge of Electoral Roll and lT and brought about revamp of lT architecture significantly strengthening the security while making the entire process most user friendly. He was also DEC incharge for conduct of elections in L0 out of the 29 States. He smoothly managed the toughest electionsof West Bengal and Keralain 2021.
  • He headed the Renewable Energy sector in Tamil Nadu as Chairman and Managing Director, Tamilnodu Energy Developmen tAgency (TEDA). Under his stewordship TEDA become the pioneer in rolling out grid tied solar rooftops with net-metering. TEDA instolled j lokh solor rooftops ond 1 lakh solor streetlights in 4 yeors opart from promoting lorge scale odoption by privote sector.
  • As Managing Director, Tamil Nadulndu striol Explosivesltd., in 2008 in short span of 75 days he turned around the sick company surpassing its highest ever productivity achieved 12 years ago by 52%.
  • lncreased profits ol Electronics Corporotion of Tomil Nadu (ELCOI/ as its Managing Director by 24 times in 2003-2004 while simultaneously working with real estate developers to create additional lT Office Space of 25milllion sq. ft. in Chennai and improving the ranking of Chennoi os lT Destinotion f rom 6th to 2nd by 2005. As MD ELCOT he also won a Notionol e-governance Awdrd in making ELCOT Paperless.
  • Chosen to make a presentation on Good GovernancetoPrime Minister of lndia, in 2005 as District Collector of Dharmapuri.
  • As Collector he designed and managed, Mego Free Rice ond Free Lunch distribution projects covering 3 lakh families for 3 months in the drought hit Nagapattinam District in 2002, and also led a team to create a Guinness World Record in tree plantation at Nagapattinam in Dec 2002.
  • ln Jan 2005 he promoted 8lT Sunomi – a Tsunami Rehabilitation Trust of BITS Pilani Alumni Association which adopted two villages in Nagapattinam for a $1m lntegrated Development Project. Eitsunom,along with District Administration re-wrote the previous6uinness WorldRecord in lree plantation (surpassing it by 3 times) in memory of Tsunami victims globally.
  • He regularly volunteers with Adinath Jain Trust, Chennai in organising mega free Artificial Limb camps which have benefitted 35,000 differenty abled in last 10 years.
  • He won the 525,000 First Prize in the prestigious alniversity of Washington’s Globol Business Plan Competition , in 2007 .
  • Passionately promotes Ultimate Players Association of lndia
  • I ln 2010 as Special Officer, EntrepreneurshipDevelopmentlnstitute he challenged the way entrepreneurship is taught by enrolling 50 students selected from 50 colleges for a month long residential Entrepreneurship Boot Camp at llT Madras in collaboration.
  • As MD TAMIN initiated several measures to turn around the hugely loss making state PSU and achieved operational volits in 2o22-z3,laid the foundation for TAMIN’s entry into Rare Earths by initiating a JV with IREL, and finalised a 4 times expansion cum purification proposal for graphite plant.
  • Joined as Additional Secretary in the Ministry of New & Renewable Energy on 28.11.2023.


February 12, 2025

Spencer Low is Google’s cross-functional sustainability leader in Asia Pacific, the regional head of a global team that leads sustainability strategy and programs. He works with a broad range of stakeholders and is an active advocate for leveraging Artificial Intelligence and digital technologies to tackle critical sustainability challenges.

Previously Spencer was the Chief Sustainability Officer and CEO Travel Retail at the Singapore-listed aviation services and food solutions company SATS Ltd., where he was instrumental in transforming the company into a global leader in sustainability. Prior to that, he held senior management roles within the technology companies Booking Holdings and Rakuten Group after spending the first decade of his international career at Bain & Company. Spencer has served on the Board of Directors of KrisShop and currently chairs the Innovation task force of the United Nations ESCAP Sustainable Business Network.


February 12, 2025

Shri Sanjay Banga is a Gold Medalist in B.Tech. Civil from Delhi University and has graduated from Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi. Shri Banga Joined Department of Telecom as Class-I gazette officer of 1993 Engineering Services Exam. He is LLB from Mumbai University and also holds MBA . He has about 30 years of experience in the fields of Vigilance, Contracts Management, Execution, Supervision, Commercial Exploitation, Land Development, Asset Monetization, Arbitration and Court cases etc. He has also acted as Sole Arbitartor in many cases.

Shri Banga has also acted as Chief Vigilance Officer in IREL India Ltd. And Uranium Corporation of India Ltd. (UCIL) for a period of 5 years. Shri Banga played an active role in revision of purchase procedures in IREL and UCIL

Prior to joining CCI, Shri Banga was working as Chief Engineer in MTNL and was in-charge of entire MTNL Mumbai infra wing maintaining real estate assets worth Rs.20000 crore. Shri Banga was instrumental in leasing out of MNTL real estate assets of MTNL earning annual revenue of ~Rs.100 crore.

Shri Sanjay Banga has been instrumental in ensuring turnaround of M/s Cement Corporation of India which was once declared as a sick company and referred to BIFR. Under his stewardship CCI achieved the highest turnover, profit and net worth of the last 3 decades.


February 12, 2025

Dr. Arvind Kumar is President and Founder of India Water Foundation and Editor of Focus Global Reporter a UN Accredited E-magazine. He is a strategist and key-influencer in the development sector with more than 30 years of experience, author, columnist, Water and Human Rights Pro-activist. He has published over 500+ research articles and is a Ph.D. in Defense Studies. He jointly edited a publication with SAC Dhaka titled “SAARC Outlook on Water-Energy-Food Nexus in SAARC Region”. Author of ‘United Nations: 75 and beyond’ , ‘Ecosystem Based Adaptation’ published by Elsevier London, ‘India @75 and Beyond’ and Friday Musings. He has been cconferred with the Achievers Award for his exemplary contribution and commitment for protecting environment by India Eye IHRO in collaboration with UNIC for India & Bhutan and Matrishree and Triveni award for his exemplary work as a journalist.


February 12, 2025

Dr Alok K. Sikka is with International Water Management Institute, as IWMI Representative-India & Bangladesh. Prior to joining IWMI, he served as Deputy Director General (Natural Resource Management), Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and Technical Expert (Watershed Development) (in the rank of Additional Secretary to Govt. of India), National Rainfed Area Authority (NRAA), Planning Commission, Government of India, New Delhi. He was Director of ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna and Basin Coordinator for Indo-Gangetic Basin under the CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food from 2002-2007. He is Ph. D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering with specialization in Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering from Utah State University, Logan, Utah. Besides working with ICAR for many years at Indian Institute of Soil & Water Conservation, Dehradun and its Research Centres, he was with National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee; visiting Professor at University of Arizona, Tucson; and Faculty at the Oregon State University, Corvallis, USA. He has more than 251 publications and is recipient of many national awards including Fellow of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Also, served as Chairman of Task Force Bureau of Water Use Efficiency, Ministry of Jal Shakti, Govt of India to develop road map and framework for increasing water use efficiency in irrigation, industry, urban, energy sectors.

He has a rich and diverse experience of over 44 years in research, institutional and policy issues, teaching, training, extension and consultancy in the areas of natural resource management, soil & water conservation, watershed management, water harvesting, hydrologic modelling, water management, drought management, climate change, water productivity and farming systems.