Know Our Speaker

Rtn. Manpreet Singh

President International Chamber of Investment and Business


Business Management – Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB)

Chemical Engineering ‐ MGM College of Engineering, Mumbai

Mechatronics, IIT Mumbai continuing education Program.  Paint & Coatings specialization, IIT Mumbai

Cheminfomatics, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Intellectual Property (IP) certification, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Geneva


I have been instrumental with various  government  and  private  bodies  for  promotion  of  Bilateral Trade  and  commerce,  international  trade  and  exchange  in  various  sectors  including  footwear  and apparel, Agriculture,  Engineering  items, Media  and  fashion.  Special   focus on  MSME  companies.

Work Experience:

  • Global Consultant:

PPP Projects

July 2014‐ Present

  • CEO: Sunny Enterprises

April 2008 – Present

Manufacturers of specialty inks for coating and printing of various substrates.

  • Owner: Ecofeet India 2010 – Present

We are manufacturers and exporters of eco friendly footwear using natural fibres and handicrafts. Using ethnic arts and integrating with the fashion industry and in turn uplifting the lower sections of society. It also helps in completing your Corporate social responsibilities (CSR).

  • Representative, India and Middle East for Brasov International Film Festival & Market Brasov International Film Festival, Romania, May 2012 – 2018
  • Managing Director: Rastriya Engineers Pvt Ltd

2001 – 2021

Manufacturers and Exporters of Footwear and footwear components, Adhesives, etc since 1982. A technical joint venture with GUM Germany to cater to the latest advances in the industry.

Social commitments & Positions held:


Ambassador, Indian Knowledge Systems, Ministry of Education, Govt. Of India

President, Indian chamber of international business

President, Georgia India Joint business council

Member, Friends of Malaysia, Govt of Malaysia.

Partner, AKRUTI, DAE ‐ BARC, Govt of India

Board Member, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar technology university i2e center, Lonere, Govt. Of Maharashtra  Advisor, Akal University Punjab

Certified Disaster Management Professional, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UN DRR)

Chairman, International relations council, Maharashtra Chamber of Commerce, Industry & Agriculture (MACCIA) President, Rotary Club of Mumbai Ghatkopar (2023‐24)

Executive Fellow, Woxsen University

Patron Member, Vishva Adhyan Kendra

Core committee Member, Intellectual cell, BJP Maharashtra


Director International & President Elect, Rotary Club of Mumbai Ghatkopar (2022‐23) Avenue Chair, Disaster

Management, Rotary District 3141 (2022‐23)

Team Disaster Management, Rotary International District 3141 (2020‐21) Zonal Avenue Co Chair, Govt. Relations & MSME, Rotary Dist. 3141 (2020‐21)

Good Will Ambassador,  MARCOFED, Govt of Nagaland (Ex.)

Youth committee, Council for Leather Exports, Govt Of India (Ex.)

Executive Director, Georgian National Investment Agency, India Office, Govt of Georgia (Ex.) Special Executive officer, Government of Maharashtra (2017‐2023)

Speaker positions:

Faculty development program: Outcome Based Education as applied to Economic Diplomacy at Institute For Engineering

Research And Publications (IFERP)