Shahriare Mahmood

Dr. Shahriare Mahmood is a sustainability enthusiast, researcher and professional in the fashion industry. He has become a sustainability leader in the textile-apparel industry through the relevant technical expertise and professional experience over two decades in almost all stages of textile-apparel value chain operations. Simultaneously, he was involved in research to contribute further in academics with the intention to enrich the substantive sustainable aspects. In his capacity as a circularity expert, he also contributes towards green economy policies.
He has a deep expertise in process optimization as a Chemical Engineer aiming at environmental sustainability. He is the proponent of product sustainability as a part of total sustainability. The circular economy is of his particular interest, and he intends to encash his expertise in integrating the concept in the textile-apparel supply chain. Nevertheless, his enthusiasm towards total sustainability allows him to work beyond his area of responsibility. He has served voluntarily in several international organizations in an advisory role, e.g. amfori. He is well acquainted with the growing concern about environmental pollution and social compliance, fashion industry remains in focus globally. And therefore, he has the vision to carry on the critical work both in industry and in academies.”