Know Our Speaker

Zainon Mohamad Kassim

Senior Community Leader Western Australia

Zen is presently employed as a police officer and has been in this career for the past 33 years. After two years being in the job, Zen pursued her career as a specialist detective dealing with counter-violent extremism, sexual assault, violent crimes, family and domestic violence, juvenile crime, money laundering, foreign offences, and cases involving police officers. Zen discovered that the support she provided to crime victims and even perpetrators was limited by guidelines and policy. Zen made the decision to volunteer her time at her local Member of Parliament (MP) branch, where she meticulously recorded citizens’ concerns and grievances, enabling her MP to assist or address more complex issues during the parliament session. Zen saw several positive policy and legislative improvements.  Presently Zen is studying part-time doing Major in Politics and Major in Sociology. Zen believes she has a lot to offer based on her extensive experience working with and for the community, and she wants to see positive changes. If the opportunity arises, Zen is prepared to run for office and hope to establish herself as a contender. Zen’s goal is to use all her local and international experiences gained throughout her policing career and volunteering as a stepping stone to transition from being a police officer to a politician.  Zen had faced many challenges just because of her Islamic appearance, hiwever that did not deter her from moving forward. Zen’s professional approach and her love of educating others rather than reprimanding them had drawn others to spread love rather than hate.  Zen would use her GBS experience to expand her global connection with one OZ phrase, “We are one, but we are many.”